Why would you consider buying a lace front wig?

Written by 王 俊广


Posted on June 28 2023

In a word : 13x4 lace front wig for the most natural hairline. Assuming you need to keep your hair like your natural appearance, kindly consider opting for a lacy front wig.

Unless you're attending a masquerade party or Halloween event, most people want their wig to look as natural as possible, allowing the hair to grow out of the scalp along the hairline. This is what you get when you wear a high quality 13x4 lace front wig or 13x6 lace front wig.


No matter why wigs are worn, every wearer has one goal: to look natural and beautiful, as expected. Most people need a wig, unless you're interested in a party or Halloween occasion, wear a lace wig.

The main edge of the lace front wig is 13 inches in size and the depth is variable, available in 4 inches and 6 inches, while the 13x4 lace front is the most popular. This lace wig has different hair because the lace is handmade. Most lacy front wigs have a cap-like structure, usually machine-made, that prevents you from pulling your hair back or wearing it on. Let's say you need more style options and you need to find a more expensive full lace wig.



You can buy human hair lace front wigs at Alibonnie, and although they look natural and feel good, they have many advantages. Lace front wigs can be heated, washed and straightened. The Excellent Human Hair Project offers all the styling options.

Many top wig makers offer a wide variety of lace wigs. Each manufacturer has its own brand. Alibonnie hair production 100% hand sewn and human hair lace wigs. Plus, they come with a simple ultra-thin lace that can accommodate your temple, but requires no tape or adhesive.



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